This Times article was incredibly interesting to read because I honestly had no idea what bitcoin was even about I just heard the term.
What was very interesting to me was "The Bitcoin 64", how only 64 minors or centralized key players were basically in charge of all of bitcoin's
block chain without proper supervison and had full control over it. When Professor Miranda went over this during lecture it stood out to me a lot
because it's extremely shocking how the crypto economy, did not want outside help or reliance from banks. I personally have also questioned if Bitcoin is a
relaible source of income for those who believe in investing their money. This aricle definely opened my eyes up to a often secret and confusing
world for me.
Leaked information of minors and plugging or leaking out certain members information is something that is incredible shady and confusing to me
because it could lead to crime which thankfully Blackburn's Hail Mary helped figure out, certain Bitcoin hackers who took advantage of a trusting
network who eventually began too big to handle and detain all it's information within its own doors. Some miners however kept the integrity of the
company and did not cheat their way to make more money and ruin other bitcoin investments.
The game theory idea that they used to predict the ways these hackers or minors could hurt the image and integrity of bitcoin was a great idea because
it showed how things can take an ugly turn and although most of the 64 minors who controlled were trusting, it shows not everyone can be as trustworthy as
they seem and things can change as the company continues to grow.
Homework 10