Homework 1:

Creative Statment

Hello I am Giselle Rojas. I am known as the main photorapher in my family. That is where most of my passion lies. I love to print pictures and capture life's most initmate moments and create small momentos to look back on. I love to make photo collages and edit videos to share with friends and family.Creating and capturing small memories are my passion.I also often enjoy scrapbooking and drawing to stimulate any kind of creativity.

UPDATED: This class has really changed the way I view design and photography. I had never reallyy paid attention to the small details in my pictures of created the idea of making a photshop collage which I have enjoyed so much. I have become more passionate in the creative and design aspect of my photograph and became very proud of myself whenever I was able to master a new skill especilly creating gifs and making my game which I really thought I would struggle with. This class has touched my creative side and made me want to draw again which was a skill I was very good at until I stopped, I also picked up making physical collages with magazines, old scrap papers and drawings.
